Sitting Volleyball — Mini Courts

Play for All
Intermediate, Senior

Location: gymnasium, multi-purpose room

What’s It All About?

This activity is quick to set up and can be easily customized for the number of participants and the available time. Participants learn about and practise working together with another group to sustain a rally by sending and receiving a ball over a net. The activity is designed for maximum and meaningful participation and inclusion for everyone in a fun and welcoming environment. It is designed so that everyone feels valued and encouraged to participate to the best of their abilities.


  • Incorporate some or all of the variations listed in the “Variations” section while planning the activity. This will help to best meet the needs and interests of participants during play and maximize the fun, inclusion, and participation of everyone.
  • To elevate participant voice and choice, periodically pause the activity and share the variations with participants. Ask them to determine how they would like to change the activity to maximize the fun, inclusion, and meaningful participation for everyone. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own.


  • Visually inspect the equipment and activity area to identify and remove hazards. Check that the activity surface provides sufficient traction.
  • Establish the boundaries for the designated playing area at a safe distance from walls and obstacles. Share the boundaries with participants.
  • Review the safety rules and activity instructions with participants prior to the activity.
  • Instruct participants to be aware of their surroundings, including the locations of other participants during play.


  • 4 cones, pylons, or floor markers
  • Chairs and skipping ropes (as an alternative to setting up poles and nets)
  • Various types of balls (e.g., volleyball, beach ball, small or large foam balls, balloon) to provide participants with a choice of equipment
  • Volleyball or badminton net
  • Volleyball or badminton poles (with padding)

How to Play (1 to 1, pair to pair, or small group play)

  • Divide badminton or volleyball courts into two or three mini courts. Mark each court using cones, pylons, lines, or floor markers.
  • Have participants divide into pairs and assign each pair to a court, two pairs per court.
  • Each pair selects to play on one side of the net, sitting within the boundary lines of their side of the court.
  • Participants on each court decide which ball they will use to play 1 to 1, pair to pair, or small group sitting volleyball.
  • Participants start with catching and tossing the ball to simulate the flow of the game and to become familiar with moving while sitting. Participants progress to overhead and forearm passing with the goal of maintaining rallies.
  • Participants count the number of consecutive times they can pass the ball over the net.
  • A rally ends when the ball hits the floor.
  • After each rally, participants can choose to set a new goal of trying to match or beat their previous attempt. They may also decide to use a different ball, determine the number of contacts allowed per side before sending the ball back over the net, and/or change partners.
  • The game ends after the allotted time has elapsed.
  • After a period of play, provide participants with some or all of the variations. Ask them to decide how they might change the game to enhance the fun, inclusion, and participation for everyone. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own.


  • Lower the net (e.g., use a skipping rope tied to two chairs).
  • Play while kneeling and then change to sitting.
  • Allow one or two bounces before receiving the ball.
  • Change the object to send (e.g., balloon, beach ball).
  • Increase the height of the net.
  • Increase the number of players per court.
  • Hit the ball back and forth on their side a certain number of times before sending it over the net.
  • Play the game against a wall, instead of over a net.