Ultimate Launch - Three Ways to Play

Play for All
Junior, Intermediate

Location: gymnasium, large activity space, tarmac, outdoor field

What’s It All About? 

Ultimate Launch is a target game like golf and can be played outside on a large playing area or tarmac with options for target selection. The versions of this game allow for choice of golf holes and targets that are readily available in the playing area. Ultimate Launch is easy to set up and requires minimal equipment. Each version of the activity is designed for maximum and meaningful participation and inclusion for everyone in a fun and welcoming environment. Ultimate Launch is designed so that everyone feels valued and encouraged to participate to the best of their abilities. 


  • Select the version of the activity that best meets the interests and needs of participants who choose to take part in this intramural activity. 
  • Incorporate some or all of the variations listed in the “Variations” section while planning the activity. This will help to best meet the needs and interests of participants during play and maximize the fun, inclusion, and participation of everyone. 
  • To elevate participant voice and choice, periodically pause the activity and share the variations with participants. Ask them to determine how they would like to change the activity to maximize the fun, inclusion, and meaningful participation for everyone. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own. 


  • Visually inspect the equipment and playing area to identify and remove hazards. Check that the playing surface provides sufficient traction. 
  • Establish the boundaries for the designated playing area at a safe distance from walls and obstacles. Share the boundaries with participants. 
  • Review the safety rules and activity instructions with participants prior to the activity. 
  • Instruct participants to be aware of their surroundings, including the locations of other participants during play. 

Version 1: Ultimate Launch (small group play) 


  • 1 scorecard per group (use recycled paper) 
  • 1 writing implement per group 
  • Variety of objects to send; 1 per participant (e.g., ultimate disc, beanbag, football, soft-skinned ball) 

How to Play 

  • Divide participants into small groups of 3 – 6. 
  • Participants choose a type of object to send and may alter the object throughout the game. 
  • Intramural leaders provide a list of possible targets that are available and visible in the playing area (e.g., park bench, garbage bin, sign, light post, tree). 
  • Groups spread out and select their first target (“hole”) from the provided list of targets. All groups will start on their selected holes. Be sure groups are spread out between holes to allow for maximum participation. 
  • Groups select a starting point and group members take turns sending their object to the target. If they do not hit the target on their first attempt, they then send their object from the location their object landed. 
  • The participant whose object lands farthest away from the target is up first to send the object to the target again.  
  • Participants try to contact the target with their object in the fewest number of attempts. They keep track of their individual scores with a maximum of 6 attempts to hit a target.  
  • Participants record their individual scores on each hole on their group scorecard. 
  • The participant who scores the lowest selects the next hole for play. 
  • The game continues for 9 holes. Groups are encouraged to select a variety of lengths of holes with varying challenge. 
  • After a period of play, provide participants with some or all variations. Ask them to decide how they might change the game to enhance their fun, challenge, and success. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own. 


  • Send the object in various ways (e.g., roll, kick while the object maintains contact with the ground). 
  • Increase/decrease the size and height of the targets. 
  • Participants choose their individual starting points on each hole. 
  • Groups choose not to keep score or come up with another way of tallying points. 
  • Participants may choose to send their object with the non-dominant hand or foot while the object maintains contact with the ground. 

Version 2: Ultimate Launch (pairs, 2 on 2) 


  • 1 scorecard per group (use recycled paper) 
  • 1 writing implement per group 
  • Variety of objects to send; 1 per participant (e.g., ultimate disc, beanbag, football, soft-skinned ball)  

How to Play 

  • Divide participants into pairs. Have pairs find another pair to play with forming a group of 4. 
  • Pairs choose a type of object to play with and may alter the object throughout the game. 
  • Intramural leaders provide a list of possible targets that are available and visible in the playing area (e.g., park bench, garbage bin, sign, light post, tree). 
  • Pairs spread out and select their first target (“hole”) from the provided list of targets. All groups of 4 will start on their chosen holes. Be sure groups are spread out between holes to allow for maximum and safe participation. 
  • Participants select a starting point and send the object to the intended target. The goal is to contact the target with the object in the fewest number of attempts.   
  • Participants take turns, alternating shots with their partner sending their object to the target. Each participant will send every other shot and take turns starting off on the next hole. 
  • The participant whose object lands farthest away from the target is up first to send the object to the target. Participants take turns sending their object to the target from the last position the object lands. 
  • Pairs record their score on the scorecard, with a maximum of 6 allowed on each hole. A group of 4 will have only 2 sets of scores on the master scorecard as this is pairs play. 
  • The pair that scores the lowest score selects the next hole for play. 
  • The game continues for 9 holes. Pairs are encouraged to select a variety of lengths of holes with varying challenge. 
  • After a period of play, provide participants with some or all variations. Ask them to decide how they might change the game to enhance their fun, challenge, and success. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own. 


  • Send the object in various ways (e.g., roll, kick while the object maintains contact with the ground). 
  • Increase or decrease the size and height of the target. 
  • Pairs choose their individual starting points on each hole. 
  • Groups may choose not to keep score or come up with another way of tallying points. 
  • Participants choose to send their object with the non-dominant hand or foot while the object maintains contact with the ground. 

Version 3: Ultimate Launch (individual play) 


  • 1 scorecard per participant (use recycled paper) 
  • 1 writing implement per participant 
  • Variety of objects to send; 1 per participant (e.g., ultimate disc, beanbag, football, soft-skinned ball) 

How to Play 

  • Intramural leaders provide a list of possible targets that are available and visible in the playing area (e.g., park bench, garbage bin, sign, light post, tree).  
  • Participants map out their own 9-hole golf course, covering a variety of terrain while maximizing the playing area. 
  • Participants select a type of object to play with and may alter the object throughout the game. 
  • Participants spread out and select their first target (“hole”) while being aware of their surroundings and locations of other participants during gameplay. 
  • Participants try to contact the target with the object in the fewest number of attempts.   
  • Participants select a starting point and then send the object to the intended target. Participants keep track of their individual scores and record after each hole of play, with a maximum of 6 shots per hole. 
  • Individuals continue to play for 9 holes. Players are encouraged to select a variety of lengths of holes with varying challenge. 
  • Upon completion of play, individuals can submit their scorecard to the intramural leader or may choose not to submit a scorecard. 
  • After a period of play, provide participants with some or all variations. Ask them to decide how they might change the game to enhance their fun, challenge, and success. Encourage participants to add any variations of their own. 


  • Send the object in various ways (e.g., roll, kick while the object maintains contact with the ground). 
  • Increase or decrease the size of the target. 
  • Individuals may choose not to keep score or come up with another way of tallying points (e.g., submit top 3 holes). 
  • Participants may choose to send their object with the non-dominant hand or foot while the object maintains contact with the ground.