Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education

Ophea’s Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education resource is a free online resource that has been developed to provide support to educators in designing a physical education program for students with disabilities, and approaches for physical activity providers to engage students with disabilities in enriching experiences to develop their physical skills. 

The Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education resource includes: 

  • Background information on a variety of disabilities with examples of strengths and needs pertaining to physical activity and the development of movement competencies; 
  • Instructional, environmental and assessment accommodation examples for each disability grouping for educators to leverage and to assist their students in meeting the identified Physical Education curriculum expectations and their individual learning goals, and links to community partners and support organisations with expertise for each disability grouping;  
  • A suggested framework to assist educators in navigating the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process and contextualising it to assessment, planning, and instruction in Health & Physical Education; 
  • Information about the three settings in which Physical Education and physical activity may occur, including: considerations for each setting, guiding questions to support program planning, and scenarios to assist educators in navigating practical Steps to Program Planning for a range of abilities; and, 
  • Information and approaches to support community physical activity providers engaging participants with disabilities in enriching physical activity experiences. 

Funding support for the development and delivery of this resource has been provided by the Ontario Parasport Collective and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.