Strategies for Planning and Implementing UDL

The following strategies can help educators embed a UDL approach in their physical education programming and physical activity environment: 

  • Take the time to learn about students, their abilities, and the identities they hold. Then, act on this knowledge to provide meaningful and relevant learning experiences for everyone. For example, encourage students to explore the ways they are similar and different and highlight the benefit of learning in an environment where everyone has differing skill sets and strengths. 
  • Encourage students to explore the different ways to play a sport and/or physical activity for differing abilities, and the social and physical benefits of modifying gameplay to support everyone. For example, invite students to participate in the activity in different ways, such as standing, sitting, using different body parts, and exploring the use of different implements.  
  • When introducing a new activity or sport, use provocations such as pictures, images, and videos to help students learn about how these activities and/or sports are played around the world. For example, use photos to make connections to parasports and Special Olympics and how varying rules, boundaries, and equipment of a game can provide an equitable opportunity for every participant.  
  • Discuss the importance of physical activities and inclusive sports that include different abilities, where students with disabilities are participating alongside those without disabilities. For example, extend the learning from the physical education setting into other subject areas, such as Language, where participants have the opportunity to research and learn about how similar physical activities and sports can be played in an integrated environment.  
  • Provide opportunities for participants to explore the different ways in which people communicate, and how the importance of communication in sports and physical activities promotes building meaningful relationships among each other. For example, during an activity, provide the opportunity for participants to play without using vocalization and using only hand and facial gestures to communicate.